I often ask my clients to write guest posts for the blog and most of the time they say, “you do it”. This week however, I’m posting for one of my clients, Cathy, who got arm lymphoedema following breast cancer treatment. Cathy has a real “can do” attitude, she does all she can to help keep her lymphoedema under control and she’s on a mission to spread awareness wherever she goes. Here’s a short recount of her story …
The lump is early Breast Cancer!
On the table are all the cards – fright, fear (and some anger – why me!), surgery, with removal of 23 lymph nodes, chemotherapy drugs, radiation treatment and more importantly, expected cure.
Good news – I’ll be better next year!
That was the plan and yes I did it all. Lymphoedema from the surgery was the most unpleasant surprise and it was there by the time my drain came out. All my care givers were most reassuring and early physiotherapy started. After six months I was attending a “lymph clinic” and measured for compression garments – ugly things but good for control! A few lessons for self drainage techniques, my swollen and uncomfortable arm became a daily focus, there must be more I can do!
Compression sleeve and gauntlet photo courtesy Google Images, www.justcallushealthsolutions.ca
Google remedial massage – and I found Lisa Higgins – my lifesaver in so many ways.
Regular professional massage treatments have controlled my discomfort, mobilised my lymph flow and with her encouragement and happy outlook I feel good. The compression garments continue, swimming and exercise do help.
Happiness is my friend, Cathy
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