I had a lovely experience this morning. I had a new client come in and I’m always interested in finding out why they have chosen to come and see me, particularly if they don’t have “pathology”.
Turns out Candie had received a random poem in her letterbox the other day. It took me a second to catch on to the significance.
My youngest child is a writer (amongst other things). He has a market stall on Sundays where you go up and give him a word and he’ll compose a poem for you around that word, then type it up on his old-fashioned manual typewriter and you pay him what you feel it’s worth. It is one of the purest forms of channeling I’ve seen. He is so in the zone – you give him the word and he literally dives into his notebook and nothing else around him exists until he’s done.
A while back my son put some poems and one copy of his latest book in random letterboxes and hoped they would bring a little joy to those who received them. Candie was one of the recipients and she went on a mission to find out about this random letterbox poet. She followed his socials and saw the high school he had attended and that I was his mother. So she googled me too. Then got in touch with him to say thank you and they have had some correspondence and he’s invited her to come visit him at his stall.
She booked in to see me because she felt drawn to me because of the poem! That is one of the loveliest origin stories I’ve ever heard.
Thank you @poemboii for your random act of letterbox kindness!
UPDATE 29th June 2021
Turns out Evered put a poem in the letterbox of the Editor of the Tawny Frogmouth, who has written a full page article about him in the July edition. Here it is …