
Fear and separation (and choice)

I struggled to come up with a title for this blog post. I didn’t think “I’m cranky” or “WTF Australia” would be appropriate. So I left it blank while I wrote and hoped that it would come to me along the way and it did – fear and separation (and choice).

I’m not one of those who comments on social media much and I definitely don’t put up radical views and stir up controversy but I have a feeling what I’m about to say may do that.

Right from the start let me say this … I don’t care whether you have been jabbed or not. I don’t care what you think about it – good or bad. None of that interests me and I will never ask you about it. I care about YOU, not your level of protection.

That doesn’t mean I don’t discuss it with people. That’s far from the truth and in fact, at the moment, I feel that is all I’ve been talking about. Because it is all that is on people’s minds here in Australia. (And on the topic of Australia – this isn’t the place I moved to 24 years ago – the “she’ll be right” “‘onya” attitude that I came to love.)

So what’s my problem?

Choice. That’s my problem. Or the lack thereof.

Initially we were told that we had the choice as to getting immunised or not.

But more and more we are seeing that is not the case. And that is my problem.

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taken from The Manly Daily, 1/9/21

The graphic above popped up in my Facebook feed last night and it sent me into an absolute spiral. I’m hoping that someone will say “oh Lisa, you’ve got to check your facts before you share something on social media, that’s ‘fake news'”. But unfortunately, I don’t think that will happen.

What this says to me is that I will have no choice but to DISCRIMINATE against a percentage of the population. I will have to deny treatment to people, who for whatever reason (and it’s none of my business why), cannot or will not be vaccinated.

This goes against every moral fibre in my body. When I think about this I can feel the cells in my body screaming – literally! My entire body is lit up with energy and not in a good way.

I was raised to be inclusive and I’d like to think that I am. I hope I am. I am aware that there will have been times where I have not been and no doubt there will be others and for that I am truly sorry.

I am struggling with the “haves” and “have nots”. My goodness, in addition to all the other separation between us there is now the have/have not had the jab status symbol (or passport as the case may be).

And I notice that much as I try to keep myself away from the collective fear and anxiety, it still seeps in.

I have a client I haven’t seen since July because she lives in an LGA of concern – they’re in hard lockdown. She’s desperate for treatment and is booked in to see me tomorrow. She travels two hours on public transport to get to me so this is a big commitment on her part. But I went into my fear around the booking because of the rules around why you can leave an LGA of concern – I certainly didn’t want her to get into trouble, nor did I want to get in trouble. Always the good girl, following rules.

But I had to take a good look at the underlying fear underneath that and when I dug deeper I saw that on some level I was worried that she would bring COVID to me, just because she lives in that LGA. No matter her vaccine status, working from home and following all the rules.

Even with all the work I’ve been doing constantly to keep myself out of my fear, there it is, in full view. And it frustrates me. Then I take a breath and show myself some compassion – these are very tough times.

I’ve been doing many different things to keep myself grounded during lockdown. All our normal anchors are gone so we have to create new ones. Here are a few of the things I’ve been doing over the last three months or so:

  • ongoing classes with my teacher/mentor/friend, Emma Turton, on how to run a Spiritual Business
  • a twelve week mentoring program with The Quiet Marketer, looking at getting organised in business to free up time to do the other things I love. We created and completed a project in that time, for me it was my two programs – Love Your Lippy Legs and Reconnecting to Self
  • an eight week program with Chiropractor – she’s not like any other Chiro I’ve ever worked with. We are re-writing my genetic coding and expression! Can’t even begin to explain how that works
  • mentoring with Raise – this has gone online so it’s not quite as smooth as it was last term, but turning up each week for someone else’s benefit is incredibly empowering
  • daily meditation, sound healing, energy sprays, sage smudging, crystal work, affirmations, intentions, breath work
  • webinars, reading, writing, listening to talks
  • walking – sometimes alone and sometimes with one other person, family or friend
  • monthly Zoom calls with my kids, to replace the regular family breakfasts we have. Gosh I miss weekend breakfast in a cafe
  • eating healthily and drinking lots of water, extra supplementation to boost my Vit D, Zinc, B vitamins (particularly B12) and Vit C – my blood tests show these levels have been too low, hopefully my next round of bloods will show an improvement
  • keeping in touch with friends and family, near and far
  • oh, and work! Luckily I’m allowed to work so that those who feel comfortable coming in can

If you’ve made this far, thank you. I feel so much calmer now having expressed what was building up inside.

What are you feeling? How are you coping with lockdown?