A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Energy

I’ve just completed running my first ever course – A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Energy.


A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Energy – how it came about

I was asked the age-old question … what would you do if money was no object? What would your work look like?

It was a no-brainer.

I’d teach people about how to use energy as part of their daily life.

And within the next half-hour the framework for A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Energy was born. It took a couple weeks for the format to settle – it was originally going to be twelve weeks but eight felt better, particularly coming up to the end of the year.

The titles for the classes came next. And they changed over the course of the eight weeks, down to the final class being decided on two days before I ran it!

I tuned into the needs of the group to see what classes would fit best. I did ask them what they’d like to hear about but to be honest, how can you know what to ask for a class on if you don’t know what energy is all about. So I let the topics drop in intuitively – after all, that’s what the course was ultimately about – how to develop your intuition in a safe space.


What will I learn in this course?

The million dollar question – what’s the benefit of doing A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Energy?

You learn how to de-mystify all the New Age spiritual words which have turned you off looking into energy in the past and gain insight into how you can connect in with your intuition.

This is a no-frills, no-woo woo (can’t stand that term, but you know what I mean), practical course to teach you how to:

  • learn true discernment in the spiritual world (spiritual goggles)
  • unpack myths to reveal truths in spirituality, so you can know what not to be afraid of any more
  • learn to see through the New Age BS so you know what’s real and what’s not
  • learn to release unwanted energy so that your body can release unwanted symptoms
  • trust yourself more so you can thrive through energetic shifts and experience more joy on your spiritual adventure
  • release fear and stress and step into flow in your life by clearing old, stuck ideas and energy

But what does that all mean for you in real terms?

It means you feel confident to start exploring energy, spirituality and how to live a more intuitive life.

You learn ways to create energetic boundaries so you feel less drained when you interact with family, friends and at work (or even at the mall when you’re surrounded by loads of people). You’ll notice how your relationships start to change once you learn how to do this.

You’ll learn how to recognise when you’re making decisions based on your beliefs instead of using your intuition.

You’ll begin to understand how your body is always communicating with you through your senses – sight, sound, smell, inner knowing, taste.

You will learn how to create the life you want to experience … well, the basics anyway, it’ll take a whole lot longer than eight classes to teach that! I’ll leave it to the likes of Tony Robbins to run those full-on “you can change your life” workshops and charge mega bucks for the privilege.

Understanding energy


How the course was presented

I ran the classes live on Zoom, once a week for approximately one hour. They were then uploaded into the private FB group I created for the event.

I emailed (and uploaded into the FB group) four short meditations at the beginning of the eight weeks. None were longer than seven minutes, and this was to encourage everyone to become comfortable to meditating regularly. It’s not about having to sit for hours meditating, more about creating a regular practice.

There were four, sixty-minute, in person sessions in the clinic to talk about the classes – this was the opportunity to ask questions and delve deeper into the topics which interested them. And there was time on the table for some energy work to integrate the new information and insights.

Finally, there was a group session in the last week with a longer meditation and an opportunity to ask any lingering questions.

Two versions of A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Energy

When I first started promoting A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Energy, I only offered an in-person course, but I was approached to open it up to those outside of my local area and so I created the online only version.

The online version is just the eight classes (plus two bonus classes I’d recorded before), meditations and a resource list for further reading/listening.

You can download the online only version now and have access to the full course immediately, or you can sign up for the next live in-person round, which I’ll be holding in February 2024.

For more information click here.