News and useful information
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Navigating Lipoedema With Confidence
Navigating Lipoedema With Confidence is my latest offering for women who are managing a lipoedema diagnosis. It is your pathway to feeling empowered and in...
Lipoedema in the Lymph Exchange
Lipoedema in the Lymph Exchange Lymph Exchange is the official journal of the ALA. The ALA is committed to promoting the development of lymphology in...
A Q&A, a course and a talk at a seminar – lipoedema news
A Q&A, a course, a talk at a seminar There’s so much going on in my lipoedema world right now it’s hard to know what to share first. I think I may go...
Is compression beneficial for lipoedema?
Is compression beneficial for lipoedema? There is so much confusion around this one topic. I see posts on the socials where people are being told that there’s no oedema...
Guest post – travelling with lipoedema
My daughter is travelling around the world for a year and we think she is travelling with lipoedema. I have suspected she has lipoedema for some time and we finally...
From Medical Intuitive to Intuitive Mentor
Medical Intuitive to Intuitive Mentor I was asked about my medical intuition practice recently and I had to think really carefully before I answered. Here’s the thing....
A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Energy
I’ve just completed running my first ever course - A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Energy. A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Energy - how it came about I...
My Lipoedema Year In Review
2023 has been a whopper of a year for lipoedema in general and for me, in relation to lipoedema, in particular. Here is my lipoedema year in review. Lipoedema Australia...
You have a lipoedema diagnosis … what now?
What to do when you’ve got a lipoedema diagnosis