News and useful information
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Lipoedema Awareness Month 2023
Updates on what’s going on for Lipoedema Awareness Month 2023 and with Lipoedema Australia.
Reducing The Inflammatory Load On Your Body
This week I hosted a FB live on Reducing The Inflammatory Load On Your Body. This was based on the talk I gave last year at the fourth Lipoedema Conference in Sydney....
Lymphoedema Awareness Month 2023
For Lymphoedema Awareness Month 2023 I decided to talk about the metaphysical side of Lymphoedema. Yes, compression, manual lymphatic drainage, exercise, healthy eating...
Menopause changes
Menopause changes - let’s talk about them It’s 2023 and we still seem to skirt around the issue of menopause. Why is that? Why aren’t we, as women, talking about it to...
Heat and oedema
Heat and oedema ... does heat make oedema worse? Yes. Mostly. Perhaps. For some people. For most people. But not for everyone. In my training I’ve had it drilled into...
What’s the difference between Oedema Lymphoedema and Lipoedema?
I was asked recently the difference between oedema, lymphoedema and lipoedema – here’s my answer
Reducing the Inflammatory Load on our Bodies
. SELF TALK AND INFLAMMATION Two weeks ago I delivered a workshop at the Fourth Lipoedema Australia Conference here on Sydney. It was on Reducing the Inflammatory Load...
Lipoedema Awareness Month
June is Lipoedema Awareness Month and I’ve been writing up a storm to help raise awareness. I had an article published in our local magazine, the Tawny Frogmouth -...
My origin story … the point of no return
As part of my continued Medical Intuitive training my good friend Emma Turton suggested we write our “origin story”. I’d never thought about it like that before and...