Hi, I’m Lisa

Lymphoedema Therapist and Intuitive Mentor. Let me guide you to a more joyful, calm and healthy life


What would it feel like to talk with a health provider and actually be heard?

What would it feel like to be able to discuss, without judgement or pressure:
– your health
– your body
– your current restrictions
– your medical treatment so far
– your fears about your future health
– how you would like to feel every single day of your life? What would it feel like to learn how to take control of the things you can control and learn techniques to help you cope with those you can’t?
What would it feel like to be able to take a breath without restriction?
Scroll Group 1

I have a holistic approach to health.

You may think you’re coming in for manual therapy but you are actually coming in to be seen, heard and celebrated. You are the most important person here. Your priority is YOU.

When you prioritise yourself, your health, your joy,
everyone around you benefits.
Mask Group 1

Hi, I’m Lisa

I firmly believe we all have the ability to heal ourselves, sometimes we just need a bit of guidance.

Work with me

Mask Group 5
Mask Group 4
Mask Group 3

I found Lisa almost 10 years ago online after searching for a local, knowledgeable MLD therapists who also had expertise in lipedema. From my first appointment through to now I have had the best experience, I always feel so great after MLDs with Lisa, any specific pains/concerns I have at the time of apnt she works more on with different techniques during my sessions and is very helpful with recommendations and advice.

After having lipedema surgery 18 months ago I am grateful to continue with regular MLDs to get the best results for my recovery (which has been huge) and she has supported me so much through this change to my health/lifestyle and I will continue to see her ongoing. Having MLD treatments have been so beneficial for me and I look forward to these appointments.

I would highly recommend Lisa to anyone, you will get the best care. 😊

Cassie Patching

Lisa is a gem! I stumbled upon her website and *knew* I needed to see her. I find Lisa to be a great listener and very caring in her approach. I will definitely be back… and I highly recommend Lisa.

Carla Jones


Is compression beneficial for lipoedema?

Is compression beneficial for lipoedema?

Is compression beneficial for lipoedema? There is so much confusion around this one topic. I see posts on the socials where people are being told that there’s no oedema in lipoedema and therefore you don’t need compression, manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) or pumps....

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Guest post – travelling with lipoedema

Guest post – travelling with lipoedema

My daughter is travelling around the world for a year and we think she is travelling with lipoedema. I have suspected she has lipoedema for some time and we finally talked about it before she left on her trip. She has graciously written a post about what it is like to...

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From Medical Intuitive to Intuitive Mentor

From Medical Intuitive to Intuitive Mentor

Medical Intuitive to Intuitive Mentor I was asked about my medical intuition practice recently and I had to think really carefully before I answered. Here’s the thing. I’ve become more and more uncomfortable with focussing on the physical ailments people present with....

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Mask Group 9