Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a very gentle manual technique which helps restore balance by improving the immune system, effectively clearing toxins from the body, and helping to reduce fluid retention from a variety of causes ranging from PMT, oedema, lymphoedema, lipoedema, sinusitis, pre and post-surgery or injury. It is particularly effective in reducing lymphoedema, both primary and secondary (post cancer treatment).

MLD is tolerated well by patients who may find other forms of massage too painful. It is a slow, rhythmical treatment which makes it relaxing and therapeutic at the same time.

Benefits of MLD

* Reduction in the size of limbs affected by lymphoedema and lipoedema
* Stimulation of the immune system
* Reduction in fluid retention
* Assists in regulating hormonal imbalances in women
* Reduction in swelling and bruising post-surgery
* Reduction in pain

MLD is given to a partially undressed client and careful draping is always applied.


Dry brushing video for general health and lipoedema

This video is for general self care and dry brushing. I give this as homework to most of my clients.


Self care videos post cancer treatment

Video for arm lymphoedema post cancer, watch here


Video for leg lymphoedema post cancer treatment, watch here



I discuss various forms of both day and night time compression.

I use either Cosmac in Artarmon or Garnet Medical in Drummoyne for off the shelf elastic day time compression, or can direct you to retailers closer to your location.

For night time I recommend either the Mobiderm Autofit garments or the Haddenham Comfiwave.

I recommend two companies who specialise in Sequential Intermittent Pneumatic Compression. Medi-Rent – who offer the LX9 or Biocompression BioPants. And, OAPL who have the Lymphapress Device.


img 4577Lisa trialling the Medi-Rent Biocompression BioPants


Low Level Laser

I use the LTU-904 Riancorp laser to help release scar tissue, fibrosis and in areas that are too sore to be touched.

The LTU-904 is an infrared laser operating at a wavelength of 904 nanometers (nm). The invisible wavelength penetrates deeply into tissue, where it is absorbed by cells and converted into energy that influences the course of metabolic processes.

Research has shown the following benefits:

  • Fast softening of fibrotic tissue
  • Volume reduction over time – maintaining or improving after treatment has stopped
  • Improvement in skin texture and thickness
  • Lasting benefit and continuing improvement


LTU-904 hand held laser The hand-held LTU 904 laser



I also use MLD to treat Lipoedema, a commonly misdiagnosed condition affecting up to 11% of the female population (exact figures are unknown).

Lipoedema mainly affects the legs but can affect the arms and abdomen as well (or any part of the body).  It was thought to be just a painful fat syndrome but the latest research suggests it is also a connective tissue disease and often has multiple co-morbidities.

Symptoms include:

  • Excess fat in both legs (sometimes the arms) disproportionate to the rest of the body;
  • The waist may be small in proportion to thighs, buttocks and legs;
  • Distinct cuff at ankle or wrist;
  • Affected areas are sensitive to touch and may feel cold;
  • Affected areas bruise easily with minimal trauma;
  • Symptoms may become worse in hot weather;
  • Sensation of heaviness, swelling, aching or discomfort in affected areas;
  • Difficulty losing weight from affected areas despite exercise, modified diet or bariatric surgery;
  • Skin can have a cellulite like appearance;
  • Fat pads around knees;
  • Joint hypermobility;
  • Pain during or after exercise or standing for periods;
  • Spider veins, varicose veins or other skin colour changes;
  • Dizziness upon standing or when standing for long periods;
  • Compromised mobility;
  • Abnormal nerve sensations;
  • Lymphoedema may be present;
  • Texture of fatty tissue feels different;
  • Pain on blood pressure check;
  • Relatives with similar body shape or fat distribution;

Lipoedema seems to be triggered by hormonal changes, ie, puberty, pregnancy or menopause or periods of extreme stress.

A healthy, anti-inflammatory way of eating seems to help with pain and inflammation levels but the shape and size of the affected limb doesn’t alter significantly.

Please be aware that I am unable to diagnose lipoedema but can advise on a treatment plan.

For more information go to Lipoedema Australia.


Lisa Lipoedema Australia 2024

Lisa talking at the 2024 Lipoedema Conference in Melbourne


I teach self-care techniques to help manage the condition and advise on compression and other maintenance tools. 


To read more about what to expect in an Initial Consultation with me please read my blog post here. I have written numerous blog posts about Lipoedema, including topics such as surgery, conservative care and getting a new diagnosis.

If you are not in Sydney and would like to discuss your Lipoedema, I offer online appointments where we can discuss all aspects of Lipoedema treatment.


Living Well With Lipoedema Medical Intuition/Lymphatic Drainage package

I have created a programme for women with Lipoedema combining Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Medical Intuition – Living Well with Lipoedema. I have also created a three-video package on conservative care for Lipoedema – all the information you’d receive in an initial consultation and more.

60 minute Manual Lymphatic Sessions cost $135 and are eligible for HICAPS rebate, falling under the Remedial Massage code. 90 minute sessions cost $170.


Book Now

I am so grateful to have found Lisa 4 years ago. She was recommended to me by the friend who was using her services for a while. And sure I was not disappointed! I have been seeing Lisa since and look forward to every visit.

Lisa is not your usual therapist. She is an amazing practitioner with broad knowledge in many fields and treats patients holistically. She knows what you need as soon as you arrive on her door step. Lisa not only provides the treatment for your body, she also heals your soul. She always happy to listen and help.

Lisa has most beautiful aura about her and she always makes me feel supported and cared for. I always look forward to my appointments as I know I get to talk to someone who genuinely cares like a close friend. I would highly recommend to see Lisa. You will receive the best care and most likely find a friend for life! Arina Neumann